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Tracking Your Direct Mail Marketing Results

You've been there before. You finished putting together what you thought was going to be a killer direct mail marketing campaign.

You strategically selected the geographic area you were going to target, and even layered demographic data selections on top to ensure that you were going after those most likely to respond to your offer.

Your graphic design on your postcard looks great. It is clean, but also eye-catching. It speaks to your business expertise. And the content on the postcard is relevant to the people you are mailing to. They're going to hold onto that postcard and call you when they need your services!

All in all, your thoughtful planning should set you up for marketing success. Your colleagues are going to be impressed by the campaign you put together. But as your postcards make their way through the postal system, the thought lingers in the back of your mind:

How do you know if your direct mail campaigns are truly effective?

The answer lies in proper attribution – the process of linking your business results back to your marketing efforts.

In this post, we'll dive into the ins and outs of attributing results from your direct mail marketing campaigns, helping you maximize your return on investment and refine your strategies.

Why Attribution Matters

Before we jump into the how-to, let's quickly touch on why attribution is so crucial.

  • Prove ROI: By linking your campaigns to actual results, you can justify your marketing spend and secure budget for future campaigns.

  • Optimize Campaigns: Understanding which elements of your campaigns are most effective allows you to refine and improve future efforts.

  • Target Effectively: Proper attribution helps you identify which areas and demographics respond best to your mailings, allowing for more targeted future campaigns.

Now, let's explore how to attribute those results effectively.

Methods for Attributing Direct Mail Results

1. Unique Phone Numbers

One of the simplest ways to track responses is by using a unique phone number for each campaign. Here's how it works:

Assign a different phone number to each mailing or campaign.

When a call comes in on that number, you know it's from that specific mailing.

Use a call tracking service to record and analyze these calls.

2. Custom URLs and Landing Pages

For digital responses, create custom URLs or landing pages for each campaign.

Use a URL shortener to create memorable, campaign-specific links (e.g.,

Design landing pages that match the messaging and offer in your mailer.

Track visits, form submissions, and conversions on these pages using your website analytics tool.

3. QR Codes

QR codes can bridge the gap between physical mail and digital tracking:

Include a QR code on your mailer that leads to a campaign-specific landing page.

Use your analytics tools to track scans and subsequent actions.

Consider offering an incentive for scanning the code to boost engagement.

Best Practices for Accurate Attribution

  • Be Consistent: Use the same attribution methods across all campaigns for accurate comparisons.

  • Track Long-Term: Real estate and mortgage decisions can take time. Make sure your attribution window is long enough to capture responses that come after a multi-touch direct mail sequence.

  • Regular Analysis: Set aside time each month or quarter to review your attribution data and derive insights.

Mastering direct mail attribution might seem daunting, but it's crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. By implementing these strategies and continuously refining your approach, you'll gain valuable insights into your campaigns' performance.

Remember, the goal isn't just to send out mailers – it's to create meaningful connections with potential clients in your trade area. With proper attribution, you'll know exactly how well you're achieving that goal, allowing you to build a steady pipeline of leads and grow your business strategically.

If tracking the attribution of your direct mail marketing campaigns seems daunting, or you just don't have time for it, our team is ready to manage that for you.

Connect with the Reaching Neighbors team today to setup your direct mail campaign and track its results, so that your business can grow in the most efficient way possible!

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